System Maintenance(SM)


Providing ICT maintenance services to the public
officers of both Central and Local Governments
including Big Data Analysis, Cloud Computing, Digital Twin, AI, etc.
covering both Land and Marine based on Geospatial Technologies.

  • Public Administration Service Systems
    • National Address Information System
    • National Address Map
    • AI Fraud Detection System for Financial Intelligence Unit
    • Information System of Public Officials Ethics

    Providing familiar public services by National Address Information System
    - Precise Location Guide for delivery service, navigation, and etc.
    Providing unique services by specialized business system - Monitoring illicit money laundering, terrorist financing, and etc.
    - Preventing official’s false report on assets

    금융정보 분석시스템 구축 및 운영

    AI Fraud Detection System for Financial Intelligence Unit - Networking with over 5,000 financial companies
    - Analyzing over 800,000 financial data collected from financial companies
    - Detecting illegal transactions - money laundering, terrorist financing etc.

    • < Registration and Disclosure of Property >

    • < Review of Reported Property >

    Public Ethics and Transparency Initiative(PETI) System - Promoting fairness in the execution of official duties and establishing ethic guidelines for public officials as public servants to prevent the conflicts between public and private interests.
    - Simple Registration & Review of the report on assets for over 220,000 officers.
    - Preventing public officer’s illegal acquisitions or collusive ties with private companies.
    - Cut off $1.41million required keeping public officials ethics.

  • GIS-based information system operation and maintenance
    • Platform for National Land Information
    • SGIS (Statistics GIS) Smart Platform

    Spatial Statistics Services
    - Containing over 1,000 statistical data from 16 fields across the country
    - Providing Spatial Statistics by Province, City, District and etc.
    - More than 5 million Webpage Views per year.


    Platform for National Land Information National Hub Site for geospatial information
    Providing various services on geospatial information produced by the National Geographic Information Institute – Digital Maps, Aerial Images, and Cadastral Control Points.

    • 한국토지정보시스템(KLIS)

      < Spatial Statistics by Regional Unit >

    • 한국토지정보시스템(KLIS)

      < Spatial Statistics by Time Series >

    • 한국토지정보시스템(KLIS)

      < Job Opportunity based on Location >

    SGIS (Statistics GIS) Smart Platform People’s Living Data Hub by National Statistical Office
    - Providing Spatial Statistical Services
    - Encouraging User Participation, Openness, Sharing and Convergence